Christmas Eve Sunrise

When I was planning a trip to Connecticut for Christmas, I was hoping to spend just a little time photographing. With three nights a two full and two partial days, there wasn't much time when you layer everything in with all the family time around the holidays. 

The day we drove up it was grey and rainy. And not the good kind of rainy either. It was cold and featureless skies. The only good thing about those kinds of days it waiting for the clouds to break. Sometimes you get lucky and the cloudy skies break at just the right time (this happened on my New York Trip). You've got to be ready to be out at the right times and this time, sunrise paid off.

The First Shot of the Morning

Further Out on the Sandbar. The Sun Starting to Appear

When I first arrived at Silver Sands State Park there was just a bit of color showing on the Horizon. It looked to be a perfect opportunity to catch a very winter-feeling morning. Cool blue tones with just a hint of pink and orange. As we walked out onto the sandbar that stretches out to Charles Island more and more of the sky shot up with a wonderful pinkish hue. By the time I had everything setup and the exposure dialed in fiery orange clouds filled the sky. 

The Sky Lighting Up

The Sky Lighting Up

Mark Andre

Photography With An Architect's Eye: Buildings, Spaces, and Landscaped from Washington, DC and all my travels. Find me on Instagram: @markalanandre @dcinfrared

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