Finding a Photo Where I Haven't Seen One Before

Every so often, I find a photo in a spot that I’ve always walked by but never stopped. This morning at Constitution Gardens this wonderful Willow was being backlit by the rising sun. The golden color of its rays washed the gently hanging branches in a yellow tone that was a wonderful contrast to the blue sky behind. The added bonus was a beautiful waning crescent moon tucked just within the v-shape made by the branches near the top of the tree.

The happenstance of the image reminded me that it takes a simple change in conditions to create an image where one hasn’t been before. I have looked at this tree many times, but never seen an image.

Mark Andre

Photography With An Architect's Eye: Buildings, Spaces, and Landscaped from Washington, DC and all my travels. Find me on Instagram: @markalanandre @dcinfrared

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Happy President's Day