Mark Alan Andre

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Taking a Chance on Sunrise

Waking up and venturing out for sunrise is always a gamble. You never really know if the light will be there or if the clouds will block the sun. This morning the progression of light was really amazing. Rather than slowly crescendoing up to a beautiful moment, the sun broke through the clouds in fits and starts. Each time it left just as quickly as it came, without a hint it would come back again.

There are some times that I go out and prepare myself to throw away the morning. I would have written this one off as a scouting trip for this location I have been eyeing for a long time. The forecast had deteriorated over the night, but I needed to venture out to take my mind off of both work and world events. To my surprise, the light created some very dramatic vistas with the beautifully layered clouds.

Mornings like these are reminders to take a chance on the unknown. Especially in photography. Sometimes the reward comes and sometimes it doesn’t but you always find a new lesson in the adventure