The Fleeting Moments of Sunrise

The Cherry Blossoms in DC are always a moving target. If is isn’t rain that comes just as the reach peak bloom, it will a late March cold snap with snow or a freak windstorm that strips the delicate blooms from the branches.

This year, it looks like we got one really good day with the Cherry Blossoms in all their grandeur before the rain moves in a strips some away.

Some mornings, you get this amazing glow in the sky that appears to hang around. This morning was not that day. The light came and went seemingly as quickly as the blooms themselves. Starting with a pink glow on the horizon it soon progressed with wonderful high clouds catching my favorite pink glow.

Out of nowhere, one magical line of clouds appeared, beautifully slotting itself into the tree I setup next to. It almost seemed like it was a perfect moment that was simply meant to be.

As the sun continued to rise, the line of clouds was the perfect balance to the sweeping curve of the cherry trees around the Tidal Basin.

Mark Andre

Photography With An Architect's Eye: Buildings, Spaces, and Landscaped from Washington, DC and all my travels. Find me on Instagram: @markalanandre @dcinfrared

The Changing Light of the Cherry Blossoms


Taking a Chance on Sunrise