Perfect Sunrise

Some mornings you just have a feeling about the sunrise. The weather conditions align, you have the time to get out and capture it, and its just a beautiful morning to be out. This morning’s sunrise fit that bill to a tee.

I thought that the light might be very fleeting. The large area of clouds over Washington broke just at the horizon and could have been a very brief display of color. Instead, the light built and built, putting on a display that was a sight to behold.

As the sun came closer to the horizon, the pink tones under the clouds spread across the underside of the clouds, lighting up the entire sky with an incredible magenta texture.

As the light began to fade, the blue and magenta sky began to fade to a light, cotton candy shade of pink leaving the reminder of the sunrise that had been.

Mark Andre

Photography With An Architect's Eye: Buildings, Spaces, and Landscaped from Washington, DC and all my travels. Find me on Instagram: @markalanandre @dcinfrared

The Amalfi Coast


Pink Sky in the Morning